The present document integrates the article “A standardized framework for testing the performance of sleep-tracking technology: Step-by-step guidelines and open-source code”, and it includes the code for running the essential steps to test the performance of a device under assessment (e.g., a consumer wearable sleep-tracking device) in measuring sleep as compared with the gold-standard reference method (polysomnography, PSG) or alternative reference method (e.g., actigraphy, sleep diary).
The functions depicted below are available also from the following public repository: )
The document includes the following sections:
Data structure: a sample dataset with the essential epoch-by-epoch data structure is loaded and considered the starting point for analyses.
Discrepancy analysis: individual- and group-level sleep measures are generated for both the reference method and the device under assessment, along with their bias, the limits of agreement (LoAs), and their 95% confidence intervals. Bland-Altman plots are provided.
Epoch-by-epoch analysis: error matrices (also referred to as confusion matrices), performance metrics at both the individual- and group-level, and secondary statistics are generated based on epoch-by-epoch data.
A function is provided for each step of the pipeline, which can be applied to any dataset that meets the assumptions below, to generate the respective output.
PSG = Polysomnography
TIB = Time in bed
TST = Total Sleep Time
SOL = Sleep Onset Latency
SE = Sleep Efficiency
WASO = Wake After Sleep Onset
REM = Rapid Eye Movement
EBE = Epoch-by-Epoch
PPV = Positive Predictive Value
NPV = Negative Predictive Value
PABAK = Prevalence-Adjusted Bias-Adjusted Kappa
ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic
Note also that in the new generation of multi-sensor sleep-tracking devices providing sleep staging information, ‘Light Sleep’ is usually considered equivalent to PSG-derived N1 + N2 sleep, while ‘Deep Sleep’ is usually considered equivalent to PSG-derived N3 sleep. When testing the performance of a device, we recommend checking with the device manufacturer for sleep stage specification.
The starting point of each of the following steps is a data structure based on the following assumptions:
- Measurement systems: sleep has been measured with both a device under assessment (e.g., a consumer sleep tracker) and a reference method (e.g., PSG)
- Epoch length: both device and reference recordings have the same epoch length (e.g. 30-seconds or 1-min level).
- Recording bounds: both device and reference recordings are confined to the period between lights-off and lights-on (i.e., both recordings share the same time in bed).
- Synchronization: the device and reference recordings have been synchronized on an epoch level and encoded using the same coding system (e.g. 0 = wake in both device and reference data).
- Staging: the device provides information on PSG-equivalent sleep staging, either as sleep/wake (typical of standard actigraphy) or as wake/light/deep/REM (typical of more modern consumer sleep trackers).
- Number of nights: only one night per subject has been recorded (the same procedures might apply to multiple nights, by aggregating night-by-night outcomes).
- Missing data: the dataset should not contain any missing data (i.e., both device and reference information must exist for each epoch).
Please refer to de Zambotti et al. (2019) and Depner et al. (2019) for guidelines and details about implementation and use of consumer sleep technology.
As a first step, we load a sample dataset organized with the data structure described in the main article.
Here, we show the dataset with sleep stage information, encoded as: 0 = wake, 1 = light sleep (N1 or N2), 2 = deep sleep (N3), and 3 = REM sleep. The dataset is in a long format that includes one column with the subject identifier, one column for the epoch identifier, and two columns reporting the device and the reference data, respectively.
( <- read.csv("sample_data.csv"))
To account for cases where only sleep/wake dichotomous data are allowed by the device, we also recode our sample dataset with 10 = wake and 5 = sleep.
# dichotomic recoding of raw dataset <-[$reference!=0,"reference"] = 5 # 5 when sleep[$reference==0,"reference"] = 10 # 10 when wake[$device!=0,"device"] = 5[$device==0,"device"] = 10
As a second step, we perform the essential procedures to analyze the discrepancy between device- and reference-derived sleep measures (e.g., total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, sleep onset latency). For each measure, the discrepancies will be computed at both individual-level and group-level, and Bland-Altman plots will be generated.
First, the raw data are used to generate a dataset of sleep measures based on the definitions provided in the main article. This is done with the ebe2sleep.R function, which allows users to specify the following arguments:
data: data.frame including the raw data to be used, organized with the data structure shown above.
idCol, RefCol and deviceCol: character strings indicating the names of the columns for subjects, reference and device epochs, respectively.
epochLength: numeric value indicating the epoch duration in seconds (default: 30).
staging: logical value indicates whether the raw data includes sleep stages (wake, light, deep and REM) or not, FALSE assumes data consists of only wake/sleep distinction (default: TRUE).
stages: numeric vector indicating the coding system used for wake, light, deep and REM sleep (in this order). The default coding system is c(wake = 0, light = 1, deep = 2, REM = 3). Only wake and sleep should be indicated when staging = FALSE, e.g. c(wake = 0, sleep = 1).
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
ebe2sleep <- function(data=NA,idCol="subject",RefCol="reference",deviceCol="device",epochLenght=30,
# renaming variables
colnames(data) <- gsub(idCol,"ID",colnames(data))
data$ID <- as.factor(data$ID)
colnames(data) <- gsub(RefCol,"ref",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(deviceCol,"device",colnames(data))
# setting stages as 0 = wake, 1 = light, 2 = deep, 3 = REM
data$ref <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$ref,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1,2,3))))
data$device <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$device,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1,2,3))))
} else { # setting stages as 0 = wake, 1 = sleep when staging = FALSE
if(length(stages)>2){ stop("only two elements should be used in the stages argument when staging = FALSE,
e.g., stages = c(wake = 0, sleep = 1)") }
data$ref <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$ref,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1))))
data$device <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$device,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1)))) }
# empty dataframe of sleep measures (stages length is not provided when staging = FALSE)
sleep.metrics <-,ncol=ifelse(staging==TRUE,22,10)))
for(ID in levels(data$ID)){
sleepID <- data[data$ID==ID,]
# TIB = number of minutes between lights on and lights off
TIB <- nrow(sleepID)*epochLenght/60
# TST = number of minutes scored as sleep
TST_ref <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$ref!=0,])*epochLenght/60
TST_device <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$device!=0,])*epochLenght/60
# SE = percentage of sleep time over TIB
SE_ref <- 100*TST_ref/TIB
SE_device <- 100*TST_device/TIB
# SOL = number of minutes scored as wake before the first epoch scored as sleep
SOL_ref = SOL_device = 0
for(i in 1:nrow(sleepID)){ if(sleepID[i,"ref"]==0){ SOL_ref = SOL_ref + 1 } else { break } }
for(i in 1:nrow(sleepID)){ if(sleepID[i,"device"]==0){ SOL_device = SOL_device + 1 } else { break } }
SOL_ref <- SOL_ref*epochLenght/60
SOL_device <- SOL_device*epochLenght/60
# WASO = number of minutes scored as wake after the first epoch scored as sleep
WASO_ref <- sleepID[(SOL_ref*60/epochLenght+1):nrow(sleepID),]
WASO_ref <- nrow(WASO_ref[WASO_ref$ref==0,])*epochLenght/60
WASO_device <- sleepID[(SOL_device*60/epochLenght+1):nrow(sleepID),]
WASO_device <- nrow(WASO_device[WASO_device$device==0,])*epochLenght/60
# Light = number of minutes scored as Light sleep (N1 + N2)
Light_ref <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$ref==1,])*epochLenght/60
Light_device <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$device==1,])*epochLenght/60
# Deep = number of minutes scored as Light sleep (N3)
Deep_ref <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$ref==2,])*epochLenght/60
Deep_device <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$device==2,])*epochLenght/60
# REM = number of minutes scored as REM sleep
REM_ref <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$ref==3,])*epochLenght/60
REM_device <- nrow(sleepID[sleepID$device==3,])*epochLenght/60
# LightPerc = percentage of Light sleep over TST
LightPerc_ref <- 100*Light_ref/TST_ref
LightPerc_device <- 100*Light_device/TST_device
# DeepPerc = percentage of Deep sleep over TST
DeepPerc_ref <- 100*Deep_ref/TST_ref
DeepPerc_device <- 100*Deep_device/TST_device
# REMPerc = percentage of REM sleep over TST
REMPerc_ref <- 100*REM_ref/TST_ref
REMPerc_device <- 100*REM_device/TST_device
# filling dataframe of sleep metrics
sleep.metrics <- rbind(sleep.metrics,
# sleep/wake metrics
# sleep stages duration metrics
# sleep stages percentages metrics
} else {
sleep.metrics <- rbind(sleep.metrics,
# sleep/wake metrics
# rounding values and returning dataset
nums <- vapply(sleep.metrics, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
sleep.metrics[,nums] <- round(sleep.metrics[,nums], digits = digits)
Here, we use the function to generate the dataset of sleep measures by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
( <- ebe2sleep(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
epochLenght = 30, staging = TRUE, stages = c(wake = 0, light = 1, deep = 2, REM = 3), digits = 2))
Here, we use the function to generate the dataset of sleep measures by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device.
( <- ebe2sleep(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
epochLenght = 30, staging = FALSE, stages = c(wake = 10, sleep = 5), digits = 2))
Here, we compute the differences between device- and reference -derived sleep measures for each subject. This is done with the indDiscr.R function, which allows the user to specify the following arguments:
data: data.frame of sleep measures (such that generated with the ebe2sleep.R function).
staging: logical value indicates whether the raw data includes sleep stages (wake, light, deep and REM) or not, FALSE assumes data consists of only wake/sleep distinction (default: TRUE).
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
doPlot: logical value indicating if the data should be plotted (default: TRUE, requires the ggplot2 and the reshape2 package).
indDiscr <- function(data=NA,staging=TRUE,digits=2,doPlot=TRUE){
indivDiscr <- data.frame(subject=data$subject,
TST_diff = data$TST_device - data$TST_ref, # TST
SE_diff = data$SE_device - data$SE_ref, # SE
SOL_diff = data$SOL_device - data$SOL_ref, # SOL
WASO_diff = data$WASO_device - data$WASO_ref) # WASO
indivDiscr <- cbind(indivDiscr,
# adding sleep stages duration
Light_diff = data$Light_device - data$Light_ref,
Deep_diff = data$Deep_device - data$Deep_ref,
REM_diff = data$REM_device - data$REM_ref,
# adding sleep stages percentages
LightPerc_diff = data$LightPerc_device - data$LightPerc_ref,
DeepPerc_diff = data$DeepPerc_device - data$DeepPerc_ref,
REMPerc_diff = data$REMPerc_device - data$REMPerc_ref
# rounding values
nums <- vapply(indivDiscr, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
indivDiscr[,nums] <- round(indivDiscr[,nums], digits = digits)
# normalizing data by column to have color code
melted.perc <- absDiscr <- indivDiscr
absDiscr[,2:ncol(absDiscr)] <- abs(absDiscr[,2:ncol(absDiscr)])
for(i in 1:nrow(melted.perc)){ for(j in 2:ncol(melted.perc)){
melted.perc[i,j] <- 100*(absDiscr[i,j] - min(absDiscr[,j]))/(max(absDiscr[,j])-min(absDiscr[,j]))
} }
melted.perc <- melt(melted.perc[,!grepl("diffPerc",colnames(melted.perc))])
melted.perc$variable <- gsub("Perc","%",gsub("_diff","",melted.perc$variable))
melted.perc[melted.perc$value>100,"value"] <- 100 # bounding at 100
melted.labs <- melt(indivDiscr[,!grepl("diffPerc",colnames(indivDiscr))])
melted.labs$variable <- gsub("Perc","%",gsub("_diff","",melted.labs$variable))
# sorting axis labels
if(staging == TRUE){ sleep.levels <- c("TST","SE","WASO","SOL","Light","Deep","REM","Light%","Deep%","REM%")
} else { sleep.levels <- c("TST","SE","WASO","SOL") }
# generating plot
p <- ggplot(data=melted.perc,aes(x=ordered(variable,levels=sleep.levels),
y=ordered(subject,levels=rev(levels(subject))),fill=value)) +
geom_tile() + xlab("variable") + ylab("subject") +
limit = c(0,100),
space = "Lab",
name="Min-max normalized \ndiscrepancy (%)",
breaks=round(seq(100,0,length.out = 11),2),
minor_breaks=round(seq(100,0,length.out = 11),2)) +
y=ordered(subject,levels=rev(levels(subject))),label=value),color="black",size=3) +
ggtitle("Discrepancies between device and ref by subject") + theme(panel.background = element_blank())
} else { return(indivDiscr) }
Here, the function is applied to generate individual discrepancies by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
indDiscr(data =, staging=TRUE, digits=2, doPlot = FALSE)
Here, the function is applied to generate individual discrepancies by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device.
indDiscr(data =, staging=FALSE, digits=2, doPlot = FALSE)
Here, we set the doPlot argument as TRUE in the DiscrAnalysis_ind function to plot the results. The generated plot (table format) includes the same values shown in the table above, with colors indicating the minimum-maximum, normalized values. This allows a visual check for outliers for each of the main sleep outcomes.
Here, the function is applied by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
indDiscr(data =, staging=TRUE, digits=2, doPlot = TRUE)[2]
## [[1]]
Here, the function is applied by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device.
indDiscr(data =, staging=FALSE, digits=2, doPlot = TRUE)[2]
## [[1]]
Here, we compute the standard metrics to evaluate the discrepancy/agreement between device- and reference-derived sleep measures, based on the definitions provided in the main article, in compliance with Bland and Altman (1999). As recommended by Euser, Dekker and le Cessie (2008), when a significant correlation is observed between differences and PSG-derived measures (proportional bias), the LOAs are indicated as a function of the PSG-derived value. This is done with the groupDiscr.R function, which allows specification of the following arguments:
data: data.frame of sleep measures with a structure matching that generated with the ebe2sleep.R function).
measures: character vector indicating the name of the two columns to be considered (i.e., fist column: device, second column: reference). Default is c(“TST_device”,“TST_ref”).
size: character indicating what should be used as the size of measurement: “reference” (default) for using the reference method as we suggest in our article, “mean” for using the averages of ref- and device-derived measures, as originally suggested by Bland & Altman (1999).
logTransf: logical value indicating if data should be log transformed to deal with heteroscedasticity or non-normal distribution of differences (default: FALSE). If TRUE, data bias and LOAs are computed on the log-transformed data and back-transformed to express LOAs as a function of the size of measurement, following the method proposed by Euser, Dekker and le Cessie (2008).
CI.type: character string indicating the type of confidence intervals to be used: “classic” (default) returns intervals based on the t-distribution, “boot” returns intervals computed by bootstrap with 10000 replicates (requires the boot package).
CI.level: numeric value indicating the confidence intervals to be computed on bias and LOAs (default: .95).
boot.type: character string indicating the type of bootstrapped confidence intervals. The value should be one of “basic” (default), “norm”, “stud”, “perc”, or “bca” (see ? for details). This argument is not considered when CI.type = “classic”.
boot.R: numeric value indicating the number of boostrap replicates (default: 10,000). Higher values require more time for computing CI (see also ?boot). This argument is not considered when CI.type = “classic”.
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
warnings: logical value indicating if warnings regarding assumptions and analytical details should be displayed (default: TRUE).
The function is partially based on the BlandAltmanLeh package (Lehnert, 2015).
groupDiscr <- function(data=NA,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"),size="reference",logTransf=FALSE,
# setting measure name and unit of measurement
measure <- gsub("_ref","",gsub("_device","",measures[1]))
meas.unit <- "%" } else { meas.unit <- "min" }
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\n----------------\n Measure:",measure,"\n----------------")}
# packages and functions to be used with boostrap CI
if(CI.type=="boot"){ require(boot)
# functions to generate bootstrap CI for model parameters
boot.reg <- function(data,formula,indices){ return(coef(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]))[2]) } # slope <- function(data,formula,indices){ return(coef(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]))[1]) } # intercept
boot.res <- function(data,formula,indices){return(1.96*sd(resid(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]))))} # 1.96 SD of residuals
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nComputing boostrap CI with method '",boot.type,"' ...",sep="")}
} else if(CI.type!="classic") { stop("Error: CI.type can be either 'classic' or 'boot'") }
# data to be used
ba.stat <- bland.altman.stats(data[,measures[1]],data[,measures[2]],
ba <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$groups$group2,diffs=ba.stat$diffs)
xlab <- paste("Reference-derived",measure)
} else if(size=="mean"){
ba <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$means,diffs=ba.stat$diffs)
xlab <- paste("Mean",measure,"by device and reference")
} else { stop("Error: size argument can be either 'reference' or 'mean'") }
# basic output table
out <- data.frame(measure=paste(measure," (",meas.unit,")",sep=""),
# mean and standard deviation for ref and device
device = paste(round(mean(ba.stat$groups$group1,na.rm=TRUE),digits)," (",
reference = paste(round(mean(ba.stat$groups$group2,na.rm=TRUE),digits)," (",
# CI type
# ..........................................
# ..........................................
m <- lm(diffs~size,ba)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CI <- confint(m,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CI <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=diffs~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
prop.bias <- ifelse(CI[1] > 0 | CI[2] < 0, TRUE, FALSE)
# updating output table
out <- cbind(out,prop.bias=prop.bias)
# ...........................................
# ...........................................
if(prop.bias == FALSE){
if(CI.type=="boot"){ # changing bias CI when CI.type="boot"
ba.stat$CI.lines[3] <-$diffs,function(dat,idx)mean(dat[idx],na.rm=TRUE),R=boot.R),
ba.stat$CI.lines[4] <-$diffs,function(dat,idx)mean(dat[idx],na.rm=TRUE),R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# bias (SD) [CI]
bias=paste(round(ba.stat$mean.diffs,digits)," (",round(sd(ba.stat$diffs),digits),")",sep=""),
bias_CI=paste("[",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[3],digits),", ",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[4],digits),"]",sep=""))
# ..........................................
# ..........................................
} else {
b0 <- coef(m)[1]
b1 <- coef(m)[2]
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in ",measure," might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(b1,2)," [",round(CI[1],2),", ",round(CI[2],2),"]",").",
"\nBias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.",sep="")}
# intercept CI
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CInt <- confint(m,level=CI.level)[1,]
} else { CInt <-,,formula=diffs~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# bias and CI following Bland & Altman (1999): D = b0 + b1 * size
bias=paste(round(b0,digits)," + ",round(b1,digits)," x ",ifelse(size=="mean","mean","ref"),sep=""),
bias_CI=paste("b0 = [",round(CInt[1],digits),", ",round(CInt[2],digits),
"], b1 = [",round(CI[1],digits),", ",round(CI[2],digits),"]",sep="")) }
# ..............................................
# ..............................................
if(logTransf == FALSE){
# testing heteroscedasticity
mRes <- lm(abs(resid(m))~size,ba)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CIRes <- confint(mRes,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CIRes <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=abs(resid(m))~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
heterosced <- ifelse(CIRes[1] > 0 | CIRes[2] < 0,TRUE,FALSE)
# testing normality of differences
shapiro <- shapiro.test(ba.stat$diffs)
if(shapiro$p.value <= .05){ normality = FALSE
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in ",measure,
" might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = ",round(shapiro$statistic,3),", p = ",round(shapiro$p.value,3),
").","\nBootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.",sep="")}
} else { normality = TRUE }
# updating output table
out <- cbind(out[,1:6],logTransf=FALSE,normality=normality,heterosced=heterosced,out[,7:ncol(out)])
# ...............................................
# ............................................
if(prop.bias==FALSE & heterosced==FALSE){
if(CI.type=="boot"){ # changing LOAs CI when CI.type="boot"
ba.stat$CI.lines[1] <-$diffs-1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[2] <-$diffs-1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[5] <-$diffs+1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[6] <-$diffs+1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# lower LOA and CI
LOA.lower = ba.stat$lower.limit,
LOA.lower_CI = paste("[",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[1],2),", ",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[2],digits),"]",sep=""),
# upper LOA and CI
LOA.upper = ba.stat$upper.limit,
LOA.upper_CI = paste("[",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[5],2),", ",round(ba.stat$CI.lines[6],digits),"]",sep=""))
# ...............................................
# ...............................................
} else if(prop.bias==TRUE & heterosced==FALSE) {
# boostrapped CI in any case
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nLOAs CI are computed using boostrap with method '",boot.type,"'.",sep="")}
boot.res <- function(data,formula,indices){return(1.96*sd(resid(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]))))} # 1.96 SD of residuals
CI.sdRes <-,statistic=boot.res,formula=diffs~size,R=boot.R),
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# lower LOA and CI following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = bias - 1.96sd of the residuals
LOA.lower = paste("bias -",round(1.96*sd(resid(m)),digits)),
LOA.lower_CI = paste("bias - [",round(CI.sdRes[1],digits),", ",round(CI.sdRes[2],digits),"]",sep=""),
# upper LOA and CI following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = bias + 1.96sd of the residuals
LOA.upper = paste("bias +",round(1.96*sd(resid(m)),digits)),
LOA.upper_CI =paste("bias + [",round(CI.sdRes[1],digits),", ",round(CI.sdRes[2],digits),"]",sep=""))
# ............................................
# ............................................
} else if(heterosced==TRUE){
c0 <- coef(mRes)[1]
c1 <- coef(mRes)[2]
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: standard deviation of differences in ",measure,
" might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(c1,digits)," [",round(CIRes[1],digits),", ",round(CIRes[2],digits),"]",").",
"\nLOAs range is represented as a function of the size of measurement.",sep="")}
# intercept CI
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CInt <- confint(mRes,level=CI.level)[1,]
} else { CInt <-,,formula=abs(resid(m))~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# lower LOA and CI following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = meanDiff - 2.46(c0 + c1A)
LOA.lower = paste("bias - 2.46(",round(c0,digits)," + ",round(c1,digits)," x ",
LOA.lower_CI = paste("c0 = [",round(CInt[1],digits),", ",round(CInt[2],digits),
"], c1 = [",round(CIRes[1],digits),", ",round(CIRes[2],digits),"]",sep=""),
# upper LOA and CI following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = meanDiff - 2.46(c0 + c1A)
LOA.upper = paste("bias + 2.46(",round(c0,digits)," + ",round(c1,digits)," x ",
LOA.upper_CI = paste("c0 = [",round(CInt[1],digits),", ",round(CInt[2],digits),
"], c1 = [",round(CIRes[1],digits),", ",round(CIRes[2],digits),"]",sep="")) }
# ..............................................
# ..............................................
} else {
# log transformation of data (add little constant to avoid Inf values)
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nLog transforming the data before computing LOAs...")}
ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 <- log(ba.stat$groups$group1 + .0001)
ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2 <- log(ba.stat$groups$group2 + .0001)
ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff <- ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 - ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2
if(size=="reference"){ baLog <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2,diffs=ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff)
} else { baLog <- data.frame(size=(ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 + ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2)/2,diffs=ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff) }
# testing heteroscedasticity
mRes <- lm(abs(resid(m))~size,baLog)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CIRes <- confint(mRes,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CIRes <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=abs(resid(m))~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
heterosced <- ifelse(CIRes[1] > 0 | CIRes[2] < 0,TRUE,FALSE)
# testing normality of differences
shapiro <- shapiro.test(baLog$diffs)
if(shapiro$p.value <= .05){ normality = FALSE
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in log transformed ",measure,
" might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = ",round(shapiro$statistic,3),", p = ",round(shapiro$p.value,3),
").","\nBootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.",sep="")} } else { normality = TRUE }
# updating output table
out <- cbind(out[,1:6],logTransf=FALSE,normality=normality,heterosced=heterosced,out[,7:ncol(out)])
# LOAs slope following Euser et al (2008) for antilog transformation: slope = 2 * (e^(1.96 SD) - 1)/(e^(1.96 SD) + 1)
ANTILOGslope <- function(x){ 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(x)) - 1) / (exp(1.96*sd(x)) + 1) }
ba.stat$LOA.slope <- ANTILOGslope(baLog$diffs)
# LOAs CI slopes
if(CI.type=="classic"){ # classic CI
t1 <- qt((1 - CI.level)/2, df = ba.stat$based.on - 1) # t-value right
t2 <- qt((CI.level + 1)/2, df = ba.stat$based.on - 1) # t-value left
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper <- 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(baLog$diffs) + t2 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) - 1) /
(exp(1.96*sd(baLog$diffs) + t2 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) + 1)
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower <- 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(baLog$diffs) + t1 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) - 1) /
(exp(1.96*sd(baLog$diffs) + t1 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) + 1)
} else { # boostrap CI
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower <-$diffs,function(dat,idx) ANTILOGslope(dat[idx]),R=boot.R),
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper <-$diffs,function(dat,idx) ANTILOGslope(dat[idx]),R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
# LOAs depending on mean and size (regardless if bias is proportional or not)
out <- cbind(out, # updating output table
# lower LOA and CI
LOA.lower = paste("bias - ",size," x ",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope,digits)),
LOA.lower_CI = paste("bias - ",size," x [",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower,digits),
", ",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper,digits),"]",sep=""),
# upper LOA and CI
LOA.upper = paste("bias + ",size," x ",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope,digits)),
LOA.upper_CI = paste("bias + ",size," x [",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower,digits),
", ",round(ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper,digits),"]",sep="")) }
# rounding values
nums <- vapply(out, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
out[,nums] <- round(out[,nums], digits = digits)
out[,nums] <- as.character(out[,nums]) # to prevent NA values when combined with other cases
row.names(out) <- NULL
Here, the function is applied to the dataset generated with the EBE2sleep function. The rbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output. The CI.type and the logTransf arguments are manipulated among sleep measures to show differences between the function settings. Note that a warning is returned in cases where a proportional bias and/or heteroscedasticity is detected (in these cases, the discrepancy metrics are computed according to the procedures described in the main article) or when the distribution of differences deviates from normality (i.e., based on the Shapiro-Wilk test).
Here, the function is applied by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
# boostrapped CI on original data
rbind(groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("Light_device","Light_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("Deep_device","Deep_ref"), size="reference",
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
# bootstrapped CI on log-transformed data
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("REM_device","REM_ref"), size = "reference", logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("LightPerc_device","LightPerc_ref"), size = "reference", logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="boot",boot.type="basic",CI.level=.95, digits=2),
# classic CI on log-transformed data
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("DeepPerc_device","DeepPerc_ref"), size ="reference", logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="classic", boot.type="basic", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("REMPerc_device","REMPerc_ref"), size="reference", logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="classic",boot.type="basic",CI.level=.95, digits=2))
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in TST might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.15 [-0.28, -0.03]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## LOAs CI are computed using boostrap with method 'basic'.
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.11, -0.35]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.855, p = 0.026).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.26 [-0.72, -0.3]).
## LOAs range is represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.69 [-2.41, -0.3]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.862, p = 0.032).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 0.53 [0.31, 1.53]).
## LOAs range is represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.56, -0.23]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.854, p = 0.025).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## LOAs CI are computed using boostrap with method 'basic'.
## ----------------
## Measure: Light
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## ----------------
## Measure: Deep
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.14, -0.23]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 0.18 [0.08, 0.69]).
## LOAs range is represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## ----------------
## Measure: REM
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed REM might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.872, p = 0.045).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## ----------------
## Measure: LightPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in LightPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.56 [-2.44, -0.67]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
## ----------------
## Measure: DeepPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in DeepPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.92 [-1.32, -0.53]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
## ----------------
## Measure: REMPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in REMPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.14 [-1.93, -0.36]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
Here, the function is applied by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device.
rbind(groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"),
CI.type="boot", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="boot", boot.type="basic", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"),
CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95, digits=2),
groupDiscr(data =, measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
CI.type="classic",boot.type="basic", CI.level=.95, digits=2))
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in TST might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.15 [-0.28, -0.03]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## LOAs CI are computed using boostrap with method 'basic'.
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.1, -0.35]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.846, p = 0.019).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.862, p = 0.032).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.18, -0.41]).
## Bias and LOAs are represented as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming the data before computing LOAs...
The final step for discrepancy analysis uses the information reported above to generate the Bland-Altman plots. This is done with the BAplot.R function, which requires the BlandAltmanLeh, the ggplot2 and ggExtra packages, and allows the user to specify the following arguments:
data: data.frame of sleep measures (such as that generated with the ebe2sleep.R function).
measures: character vector indicating the name of the two columns to be considered (i.e., fist column: device indicated by “measure_device”, second column: reference indicated by “measure_ref”). Default is c(“TST_device”,“TST_ref”).
xaxis: character indicating what should be used as the x axis: “reference” (default) for using the reference method as we suggest in our article, “mean” for using the averages of ref- and device-derived measures, as originally suggested by Bland & Altman (1999).
logTransf: logical value indicating if data should be log transformed to deal with heteroscedasticity or non-normal distribution of differences (default: FALSE). If TRUE, data bias and LOAs are computed on the log-transformed data and back-transformed to express LOAs as a function of the size of measurement, following the method proposed by Euser, Dekker and le Cessie (2008).
CI.type: character string indicating the type of confidence intervals to be used: “classic” (default) returns intervals based on the t-distribution, “boot” returns intervals for means by bootstrap with 10000 replicates (requires boot package).
CI.level: numeric value indicating the confidence intervals to be computed on bias and LOAs (default: .95).
boot.type: character string indicating the type of bootstrapped confidence intervals. The value should be one of “basic” (default), “norm”, “stud”, “perc”, or “bca” (see ? for details). Note that when a proportional bias is detected, only “basic” bootstrapped CI are shown. This argument is not considered when CI.type = “classic”.
boot.R: numeric value indicating the number of boostrap replicates (default: 10,000). Higher values require more time for computing CI (see also ?boot). This argument is not considered when CI.type = “classic”.
xlim and ylim: numeric vector of two elements indicating the limits of the x and the y axis, respectively. If not specified (default), limits are selected based on the range of differences.
warnings: logical value indicating if warnings regarding assumptions and analytical details should be displayed (default: TRUE).
BAplot <- function(data=NA,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"),logTransf=FALSE,
require(BlandAltmanLeh); require(ggplot2); require(ggExtra)
# setting labels
Measure <- gsub("_ref","",gsub("_device","",measures[1]))
measure <- gsub("TST","total sleep time (min)",Measure)
measure <- gsub("SE","sleep efficiency (%)",measure)
measure <- gsub("SOL","sleep onset latency (min)",measure)
measure <- gsub("WASO","wake after sleep onset (min)",measure)
measure <- gsub("LightPerc","light sleep percentage (%)",measure)
measure <- gsub("DeepPerc","deep sleep percentage (%)",measure)
measure <- gsub("REMPerc","REM sleep percentage (%)",measure)
measure <- gsub("Light","light sleep duration (min)",measure)
measure <- gsub("Deep","deep sleep duration (min)",measure)
if(grepl("REM",measure) & !grepl("%",measure)) { measure <- gsub("REM","REM sleep duration (min)",measure) }
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\n----------------\n Measure:",Measure,"\n----------------")}
# packages and functions to be used with boostrap CI
if(CI.type=="boot"){ require(boot)
# function to generate bootstrap CI for model parameters
boot.reg <- function(data,formula,indices){ return(coef(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]))[2]) }
# function for sampling and predicting Y values based on model
boot.pred <- function(data,formula,tofit) { indices <- sample(1:nrow(data),replace = TRUE)
return(predict(lm(formula,data=data[indices,]), newdata=data.frame(tofit))) }
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nComputing boostrap CI with method '",boot.type,"' ...",sep="")}
} else if(CI.type!="classic") { stop("Error: CI.type can be either 'classic' or 'boot'") }
# data to be used
ba.stat <- bland.altman.stats(data[,measures[1]],data[,measures[2]],
ba <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$groups$group2,diffs=ba.stat$diffs)
xlab <- paste("Reference",measure)
} else if(xaxis=="mean"){
ba <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$means,diffs=ba.stat$diffs)
xlab <- paste("Mean",measure,"by device and reference")
} else { stop("Error: xaxis argument can be either 'reference' or 'mean'") }
# range of values to be fitted for drawing the lines (i.e., from min to max of x-axis values, by .1)
size <- seq(min(ba$size),max(ba$size),(max(ba$size)-min(ba$size))/((max(ba$size)-min(ba$size))*10))
# basic plot
p <- ggplot(data=ba,aes(size,diffs))
# ..........................................
# ..........................................
m <- lm(diffs~size,ba)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CI <- confint(m,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CI <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=diffs~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
prop.bias <- ifelse(CI[1] > 0 | CI[2] < 0, TRUE, FALSE)
# ...........................................
# ...........................................
if(prop.bias == FALSE){
if(CI.type=="boot"){ # changing bias CI when CI.type="boot"
ba.stat$CI.lines[3] <-$diffs,function(dat,idx)mean(dat[idx],na.rm=TRUE),R=boot.R),
ba.stat$CI.lines[4] <-$diffs,function(dat,idx)mean(dat[idx],na.rm=TRUE),R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
p <- p + # adding lines to plot
# bias and CI (i.e., mean diff)
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$mean.diffs),colour="red",size=1.5) +
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$CI.lines[3]),colour="red",linetype=2,size=1) +
# ..........................................
# ..........................................
} else {
b0 <- coef(m)[1]
b1 <- coef(m)[2]
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in ",Measure," might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(b1,2)," [",round(CI[1],2),", ",round(CI[2],2),"]",").",
"\nBias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.",sep="")}
# modeling bias following Bland & Altman (1999): D = b0 + b1 * size <- data.frame(size,y.bias=b0+b1*size)
# bias CI
if(CI.type=="classic"){ # classic ci$y.biasCI.upr <- predict(m,newdata=data.frame($size),interval="confidence",level=CI.level)[,3]$y.biasCI.lwr <- predict(m,newdata=data.frame($size),interval="confidence",level=CI.level)[,2]
} else { # boostrap CI
fitted <- t(replicate(boot.R,boot.pred(ba,"diffs~size", # sampling CIs$y.biasCI.upr <- apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c((1-CI.level)/2))$y.biasCI.lwr <- apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c(CI.level+(1-CI.level)/2)) }
p <- p + # adding lines to plot
# bias and CI (i.e., D = b0 + b1 * size)
geom_line(,aes(y=y.bias),colour="red",size=1.5) +
geom_line(,aes(y=y.biasCI.upr),colour="red",linetype=2,size=1) +
geom_line(,aes(y=y.biasCI.lwr),colour="red",linetype=2,size=1) }
# ..............................................
# ..............................................
if(logTransf == FALSE){
# testing heteroscedasticity
mRes <- lm(abs(resid(m))~size,ba)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CIRes <- confint(mRes,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CIRes <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=abs(resid(m))~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
heterosced <- ifelse(CIRes[1] > 0 | CIRes[2] < 0,TRUE,FALSE)
# testing normality of differences
shapiro <- shapiro.test(ba$diffs)
if(shapiro$p.value <= .05){
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in ",Measure,
" might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = ",round(shapiro$statistic,3),", p = ",round(shapiro$p.value,3),
").","\nBootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.",sep="")} }
# ............................................
# ............................................
if(prop.bias==FALSE & heterosced==FALSE){
if(CI.type=="boot"){ # changing LOAs CI when CI.type="boot"
ba.stat$CI.lines[1] <-$diffs-1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[2] <-$diffs-1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[5] <-$diffs+1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
ba.stat$CI.lines[6] <-$diffs+1.96*sd(ba.stat$diffs),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
p <- p + # adding lines to plot
# Upper LOA and CI (i.e., mean diff + 1.96 SD)
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$upper.limit),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$CI.lines[5]),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$CI.lines[6]),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
# Lower LOA and CI (i.e., mean diff - 1.96 SD)
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$lower.limit),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(aes(y=ba.stat$CI.lines[1]),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
# ............................................
# ............................................
} else if(prop.bias==TRUE & heterosced==FALSE) {
# modeling LOAs following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = bias +- 1.96sd of the residuals$y.LOAu = b0+b1*size + 1.96*sd(resid(m))$y.LOAl = b0+b1*size - 1.96*sd(resid(m))
# LOAs CI based on bias CI +- 1.96sd of the residuals
if(warnings==TRUE){cat(" Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.")}$y.LOAu.upr =$y.biasCI.upr + 1.96*sd(resid(m))$y.LOAu.lwr =$y.biasCI.lwr + 1.96*sd(resid(m))$y.LOAl.upr =$y.biasCI.upr - 1.96*sd(resid(m))$y.LOAl.lwr =$y.biasCI.lwr - 1.96*sd(resid(m))
# ............................................
# ............................................
} else if(prop.bias==FALSE & heterosced==TRUE) {
c0 <- coef(mRes)[1]
c1 <- coef(mRes)[2]
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("WARNING: SD of differences in ",Measure,
" might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(c1,2)," [",round(CIRes[1],2),", ",round(CIRes[2],2),"]",").",
"\nLOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.",sep="")}
# modeling LOAs following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = meanDiff +- 2.46(c0 + c1A) <- data.frame(size=size,
y.LOAu = ba.stat$mean.diffs + 2.46*(c0+c1*size),
y.LOAl = ba.stat$mean.diffs - 2.46*(c0+c1*size))
if(CI.type=="classic"){ # classic ci
fitted <- predict(mRes,newdata=data.frame($size),interval="confidence",level=CI.level) # based on mRes$y.LOAu.upr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs + 2.46*fitted[,3]$y.LOAu.lwr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs + 2.46*fitted[,2]$y.LOAl.upr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs - 2.46*fitted[,3]$y.LOAl.lwr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs - 2.46*fitted[,2]
} else { # boostrap CI
fitted <- t(replicate(boot.R,boot.pred(ba,"abs(resid(lm(diffs ~ size))) ~ size",$y.LOAu.upr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs + 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c(CI.level+(1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAu.lwr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs + 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c((1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAl.upr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs - 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c(CI.level+(1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAl.lwr <- ba.stat$mean.diffs - 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c((1-CI.level)/2)) }
# ............................................
# ............................................
} else if(prop.bias==TRUE & heterosced==TRUE) {
c0 <- coef(mRes)[1]
c1 <- coef(mRes)[2]
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: SD of differences in ",Measure,
" might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(c1,2)," [",round(CIRes[1],2),", ",round(CIRes[2],2),"]",").",
"\nLOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.",sep="")}
# modeling LOAs following Bland & Altman (1999): LOAs = b0 + b1 * size +- 2.46(c0 + c1A)$y.LOAu = b0+b1*size + 2.46*(c0+c1*size)$y.LOAl = b0+b1*size - 2.46*(c0+c1*size)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ # classic ci
fitted <- predict(mRes,newdata=data.frame($size),interval="confidence",level=CI.level) # based on mRes$y.LOAu.upr <- b0+b1*size + 2.46*fitted[,3]$y.LOAu.lwr <- b0+b1*size + 2.46*fitted[,2]$y.LOAl.upr <- b0+b1*size - 2.46*fitted[,3]$y.LOAl.lwr <- b0+b1*size - 2.46*fitted[,2]
} else { # boostrap CI
fitted <- t(replicate(boot.R,boot.pred(ba,"abs(resid(lm(diffs ~ size))) ~ size",$y.LOAu.upr <- b0+b1*size + 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c(CI.level+(1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAu.lwr <- b0+b1*size + 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c((1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAl.upr <- b0+b1*size - 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c(CI.level+(1-CI.level)/2))$y.LOAl.lwr <- b0+b1*size - 2.46*apply(fitted,2,quantile,probs=c((1-CI.level)/2)) }}
if(prop.bias==TRUE | heterosced==TRUE){
p <- p + # adding lines to plot
# Upper LOA and CI
geom_line(,aes(y=y.LOAu),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(,aes(y=y.LOAu.upr),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
geom_line(,aes(y=y.LOAu.lwr),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
# Lower LOA and CI
geom_line(,aes(y=y.LOAl),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(,aes(y=y.LOAl.upr),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
# ..............................................
# ..............................................
} else {
# log transformation of data (add little constant to avoid Inf values)
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nLog transforming data ...")}
ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 <- log(ba.stat$groups$group1 + .0001)
ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2 <- log(ba.stat$groups$group2 + .0001)
ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff <- ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 - ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2
if(xaxis=="reference"){ baLog <- data.frame(size=ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2,diffs=ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff)
} else { baLog <- data.frame(size=(ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup1 + ba.stat$groups$LOGgroup2)/2,diffs=ba.stat$groups$LOGdiff) }
# testing heteroscedasticity
mRes <- lm(abs(resid(m))~size,baLog)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ CIRes <- confint(mRes,level=CI.level)[2,]
} else { CIRes <-,statistic=boot.reg,formula=abs(resid(m))~size,R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][4:5] }
heterosced <- ifelse(CIRes[1] > 0 | CIRes[2] < 0,TRUE,FALSE)
# testing normality of differences
shapiro <- shapiro.test(baLog$diffs)
if(shapiro$p.value <= .05){
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: differences in log transformed ",Measure,
" might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = ",round(shapiro$statistic,3),", p = ",round(shapiro$p.value,3),
").","\nBootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.",sep="")} }
# LOAs slope following Euser et al (2008) for antilog transformation: slope = 2 * (e^(1.96 SD) - 1)/(e^(1.96 SD) + 1)
ANTILOGslope <- function(x){ 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(x)) - 1) / (exp(1.96*sd(x)) + 1) }
ba.stat$LOA.slope <- ANTILOGslope(baLog$diffs)
# LOAs CI slopes
if(CI.type=="classic"){ # classic CI
t1 <- qt((1 - CI.level)/2, df = ba.stat$based.on - 1) # t-value right
t2 <- qt((CI.level + 1)/2, df = ba.stat$based.on - 1) # t-value left
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper <- 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(baLog$diffs) + t2 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) - 1) /
(exp(1.96*sd(baLog$diffs) + t2 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) + 1)
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower <- 2 * (exp(1.96 * sd(baLog$diffs) + t1 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) - 1) /
(exp(1.96*sd(baLog$diffs) + t1 * sqrt(sd(baLog$diffs)^2 * 3/ba.stat$based.on)) + 1)
} else { # boostrap CI
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper <-$diffs,
function(dat,idx) ANTILOGslope(dat[idx]),R=boot.R),
ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower <-$diffs,
function(dat,idx) ANTILOGslope(dat[idx]),R=boot.R),
type=boot.type,conf=CI.level)[[4]][5] }
# Recomputing LOAs and their CIs as a function of size multiplied by the computed slopes <- data.frame(size,
ANTLOGdiffs.upper = size * ba.stat$LOA.slope, # upper LOA
ANTLOGdiffs.upper.lower = size * ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower,
ANTLOGdiffs.upper.upper = size * ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper,
ANTLOGdiffs.lower = size * ((-1)*ba.stat$LOA.slope), # lower LOA
ANTLOGdiffs.lower.lower = size * ((-1)*ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.lower),
ANTLOGdiffs.lower.upper = size * ((-1)*ba.stat$LOA.slope.CI.upper))
# adding bias values based on prop.bias
if(prop.bias==FALSE){$y.bias <- rep(ba.stat$mean.diffs,nrow( } else {$y.bias <- b0+b1*$size }
p <- p + # adding lines to plot
# UPPER LIMIT (i.e., bias + 2 * (e^(1.96 SD) - 1)/(e^(1.96 SD) + 1))
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.upper),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.upper.upper),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.upper.lower),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
# LOWER LIMIT (i.e., bias - 2 * (e^(1.96 SD) - 1)/(e^(1.96 SD) + 1))
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.lower),colour="darkgray",size=1.3) +
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.lower.upper),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1) +
geom_line(,aes(y = y.bias + ANTLOGdiffs.lower.lower),colour="darkgray",linetype=2,size=1)
# ..........................................
# 3.3. HETEROSCHEDASTICITY (only a warning)
# ..........................................
# warning message
if(warnings==TRUE){cat("\n\nWARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed ",Measure,
" might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = ",
round(coef(mRes)[2],2)," [",round(CIRes[1],2),", ",round(CIRes[2],2),"]",").",sep="")} }}
p <- p + # adding last graphical elements and plotting with marginal density distribution
geom_point(size=4.5,shape=20) +
xlab(xlab) + ylab(paste("Device - reference differences in\n",measure,sep="")) +
ggtitle(paste("Bland-Altman plot of",measure))+
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=12,face="bold"),
axis.title = element_text(size=15,face="bold",colour="black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=12,face="bold"))
if(![1])){ p <- p + ylim(ylim) }
if(![1])){ p <- p + xlim(xlim) }
Here, the function is applied to generate Bland-Altman plots for each sleep measure. Outputs are generated both by using the original data (logTransf = FALSE) and by log transforming the data before computing bias and LOAs (logTransf = TRUE). In each case, plots are generated with both t-derived (CI.type = “classic”) and bootstrapped confidence intervals (CI.type = “boot”). Any plot is generated by considering the reference method as the size of measurement (xaxis = “reference”), as suggested by de Zambotti et al. (2019). Note that a warning message is returned when a proportional bias and/or heteroscedasticity is detected, and bias and LOAs are represented accordingly.
BAplot(,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
BAplot(,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in TST might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.15 [-0.28, -0.03]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed TST might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.845, p = 0.019).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
BAplot(,measures=c("TST_device","TST_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: TST
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in TST might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.15 [-0.28, -0.03]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed TST might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.845, p = 0.019).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
BAplot(,measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1, -0.3]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.855, p = 0.026).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## WARNING: SD of differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.26 [-0.41, -0.1]).
## LOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
BAplot(,measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.09, -0.35]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.855, p = 0.026).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## WARNING: SD of differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.26 [-0.71, -0.3]).
## LOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
BAplot(,measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1, -0.3]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.846, p = 0.019).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -21.7 [-34.9, -8.49]).
BAplot(,measures=c("SE_device","SE_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SE
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.1, -0.35]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed SE might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.846, p = 0.019).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed SE might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -21.7 [-60.21, -25.32]).
BAplot(,measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.862, p = 0.032).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
BAplot(,measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.69 [-2.45, -0.3]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.862, p = 0.032).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended.
## WARNING: SD of differences in SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 0.53 [0.29, 1.53]).
## LOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
BAplot(,measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.538, p = 0).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 7.32 [0.32, 14.32]).
BAplot(,measures=c("SOL_device","SOL_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: SOL
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.69 [-2.38, -0.29]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed SOL might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.538, p = 0).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed SOL might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 7.32 [7.18, 21.88]).
BAplot(,measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.18, -0.41]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.854, p = 0.025).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.56, -0.25]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.854, p = 0.025).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') and log transformation (logTransf=TRUE) are recommended. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.18, -0.41]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("WASO_device","WASO_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: WASO
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in WASO might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.8 [-1.56, -0.24]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("Light_device","Light_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Light
## ----------------
BAplot(,measures=c("Light_device","Light_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Light
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
BAplot(,measures=c("Light_device","Light_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Light
## ----------------
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("Light_device","Light_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Light
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("Deep_device","Deep_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Deep
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.21, -0.09]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("Deep_device","Deep_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Deep
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.15, -0.22]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## WARNING: SD of differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 0.18 [0.07, 0.7]).
## LOAs range is plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
BAplot(,measures=c("Deep_device","Deep_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Deep
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.21, -0.09]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("Deep_device","Deep_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: Deep
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.65 [-1.15, -0.25]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: standard deviation of differences in in log transformed Deep might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = 10.7 [4.03, 43.23]).
BAplot(,measures=c("REM_device","REM_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REM
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in REM might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.03 [-1.77, -0.28]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("REM_device","REM_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REM
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
BAplot(,measures=c("REM_device","REM_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REM
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in REM might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.03 [-1.77, -0.28]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed REM might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.872, p = 0.045).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
BAplot(,measures=c("REM_device","REM_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REM
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## Log transforming data ...
## WARNING: differences in log transformed REM might be not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk W = 0.872, p = 0.045).
## Bootstrap CI (CI.type='boot') are recommended.
BAplot(,measures=c("LightPerc_device","LightPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: LightPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in LightPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.56 [-2.54, -0.58]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("LightPerc_device","LightPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: LightPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in LightPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.56 [-2.41, -0.65]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("LightPerc_device","LightPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: LightPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in LightPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.56 [-2.54, -0.58]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("LightPerc_device","LightPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: LightPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in LightPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.56 [-2.44, -0.64]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("DeepPerc_device","DeepPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: DeepPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in DeepPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.92 [-1.32, -0.53]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("DeepPerc_device","DeepPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: DeepPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in DeepPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.92 [-1.42, -0.63]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("DeepPerc_device","DeepPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: DeepPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in DeepPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.92 [-1.32, -0.53]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("DeepPerc_device","DeepPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: DeepPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in DeepPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -0.92 [-1.42, -0.63]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("REMPerc_device","REMPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REMPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in REMPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.14 [-1.93, -0.36]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("REMPerc_device","REMPerc_ref"), logTransf = FALSE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REMPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in REMPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.14 [-1.87, -0.04]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement. Note that LOAs CI are represented based on bias CI.
BAplot(,measures=c("REMPerc_device","REMPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="classic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REMPerc
## ----------------
## WARNING: differences in REMPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.14 [-1.93, -0.36]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
BAplot(,measures=c("REMPerc_device","REMPerc_ref"), logTransf = TRUE,
xaxis="reference", CI.type="boot", boot.type = "basic", CI.level=.95)
## ----------------
## Measure: REMPerc
## ----------------
## Computing boostrap CI with method 'basic' ...
## WARNING: differences in REMPerc might be proportional to the size of measurement (coeff. = -1.14 [-1.83, -0.03]).
## Bias and LOAs are plotted as a function of the size of measurement.
## Log transforming data ...
The third step implies the use of the epoch-by-epoch raw data to evaluate the device performance on an epoch-by-epoch basis as compared to the reference method.
Here, we compute the error matrices (or confusion matrices) to describe the device performance in classifying reference-derived epoch-by-epoch stages (or sleep/wake), as described in the main article. The procedure generalizes to sleep stages by dichotomizing the scores for each stage (e.g., 1 = stage of interest, 0 = all other stages). This is done with the errorMatrix.R function, which allows to specify the following arguments:
data: data.frame including the raw data to be used, organized with the data structure shown in Section 1.
idCol, RefCol and deviceCol: character strings indicating the names of the columns for subjects, reference and device epochs, respectively.
staging: logical value indicating if the raw data includes sleep stages (wake, light, deep and REM) or not, FALSE assumes data consists of only wake/sleep distinction (default: TRUE).
stages: : numeric vector indicating the coding system used for wake, light, deep and REM sleep (in this order).. The default coding system is c(wake = 0, light = 1, deep = 2, REM = 3). Only wake and sleep should be indicated when staging = FALSE, e.g. c(wake = 0, sleep = 1).
matrixType: character string indicating the type of matrix to be generated: “prop” (default) for generating a group-level ‘proportional error matrix’, which reports the proportion of device-derived epochs in each condition over the number of reference-derived epochs in that condition, averaged between subjects, and presented as ’mean (sd) [CI]’ (requires the DescTools package for computing bootstrapped CI); “sum” for reporting the ‘absolute error matrix’, which reports the total number of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects.
CI.type: character string indicating the type of confidence intervals to be used: “classic” (default) returns intervals based on the t-distribution, “boot” returns intervals for means by bootstrap with 10000 replicates (see ? This argument is not considered when matrixType = “sum”.
CI.level: confidence intervals to be computed on bias and LOAs (default: .95). This argument is not considered when matrixType = “sum”.
boot.type: character string indicating the type of bootstrapped confidence intervals. The value should be one of “basic” (default), “norm”, “stud”, “perc”, or “bca” (see ? for details). This argument is not considered when matrixType = “sum” or when CI.type = “classic”.
boot.R: numeric value indicating the number of boostrap replicates (default: 10,000). Higher values require more time for computing CI (see also ?boot). This argument is not considered when metricsType = “sum” or when CI.type = “classic”.
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
errorMatrix <- function(data=NA,idCol="subject",RefCol="reference",deviceCol="device",
# renaming variables
colnames(data) <- gsub(idCol,"ID",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(RefCol,"ref",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(deviceCol,"device",colnames(data))
# function to print error info as "mean (sd) [CI]"
printInfo <- function(condition){
m <- round(mean(errMatrix[,condition],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
s <- round(sd(errMatrix[,condition],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ require(DescTools)
CI.up <- round(MeanCI(errMatrix[,condition],method="classic")[3],digits)
CI.lo <- round(MeanCI(errMatrix[,condition],method="classic")[2],digits)
} else if(CI.type=="boot"){ require(boot)
CI.lo <- round([,condition],
CI.up <- round([,condition],
} else { stop("Error: CI.type can be either 'classic' or 'boot'") }
if(CI.lo < 0) CI.lo = 0 # bounding at zero
paste(m," (",s,") [",CI.lo,", ",CI.up,"]",sep="") }
# .................................
# sleep staging is available
# .................................
# setting stages as 0 = wake, 1 = light, 2 = deep, 3 = REM
data$ref <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$ref,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1,2,3))))
data$device <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$device,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1,2,3))))
# function to generate error matrix
generateMatrix <- function(data,matrixType){
# empty dataframe for error matrix
errMatrix <-,ncol=5))
for(i in 0:3){
# dividend based on matrix type
h <- ifelse(matrixType=="prop",nrow(data[data$ref==i,]),1)
# filling matrix with number (sum) or proportion (prop) of epochs in each condition
errMatrix <- rbind(errMatrix,
device_wake=nrow(data[data$device==0 & data$ref==i,])/h,
device_light=nrow(data[data$device==1 & data$ref==i,])/h,
device_deep=nrow(data[data$device==2 & data$ref==i,])/h,
device_REM=nrow(data[data$device==3 & data$ref==i,])/h,
reference_tot=nrow(data[data$ref==i,]))) }
# adding marginal sums
# generating absolute error matrix
errMatrix <- generateMatrix(data,matrixType)
# generating averaged percent error matrix
} else if(matrixType=="prop"){
# empty dataframe for error matrix
errMatrix <-,ncol=17))
# on matrix per subject (in wide form)
for(ID in levels(as.factor(data$ID))){
errMatrix <- rbind(errMatrix,
timevar="reference",direction="wide")) }
# using printInfo for reporting mean, sd, and CI
errMatrix <- data.frame(reference=c("wake","light","deep","REM"),
} else { stop("Error: matrixType argument can be either 'prop' or 'sum'") }
# .................................
# sleep staging is *not* available
# .................................
} else {
# setting stages
data$ref <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$ref,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1))))
data$device <- as.integer(as.character(factor(data$device,levels=as.numeric(stages),labels=c(0,1))))
# function to generate error matrix
generateMatrix <- function(data,matrixType){
# empty dataframe for error matrix
errMatrix <-,ncol=3))
for(i in 0:1){
# dividend based on matrix type
h <- ifelse(matrixType=="prop",nrow(data[data$ref==i,]),1)
# filling matrix with number (sum) or percentage (perc) of epochs in each condition
errMatrix <- rbind(errMatrix,
device_wake=nrow(data[data$device==0 & data$ref==i,])/h,
device_sleep=nrow(data[data$device==1 & data$ref==i,])/h,
reference_tot=nrow(data[data$ref==i,]))) }
# adding marginal sums
# generating absolute error matrix
errMatrix <- generateMatrix(data,matrixType)
# generating averaged error matrix
} else if(matrixType=="prop"){
errMatrix <-,ncol=5))
for(ID in levels(as.factor(data$ID))){
errMatrix <- rbind(errMatrix,
errMatrix <- data.frame(reference=c("wake","sleep"),
} else { cat('Error: matrixType argument can be either "sum" or "prop"')}
Here, we use the function to generate the error matrix by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device. The matrixType argument is set as “prop” to generate the ‘proportional error matrix’, reporting the group average proportion of epochs in each condition.
errorMatrix(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
staging = TRUE, stages = c(wake = 0, light = 1, deep = 2, REM = 3), matrixType="prop",
CI.type = "boot", boot.type = "basic", boot.R = 10000, CI.level = .95, digits = 2)
Alternatively, the matrixType argument is set as “sum” to generate the ‘absolute error matrix’, where the number of epochs in each condition is reported.
errorMatrix(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
staging = TRUE, stages = c(wake = 0, light = 1, deep = 2, REM = 3), matrixType="sum",
CI.type = "classic", CI.level = .95, digits = 2)
Here, we use the function to generate the error matrix by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device. This is done by using the dichotomic dataset we created in Section 1. The matrixType argument is set as “prop” to report the group average proportion of epochs in each condition.
errorMatrix(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
staging = FALSE, stages = c(wake = 10, sleep = 5), matrixType = "prop",
CI.type = "classic", boot.type = "basic", CI.level = .95, digits = 2)
Alternatively, the matrixType argument is set as “sum” to generate the absolute error matrix, where the sum of epochs in each condition is reported.
errorMatrix(data =, idCol = "subject", RefCol = "reference", deviceCol = "device",
staging = FALSE, stages = c(wake = 10, sleep = 5), matrixType = "sum",
CI.type = "classic", boot.type = "basic", CI.level = .95, digits = 2)
Here, we compute the basic EBE metrics (i.e., accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) for each subject and for each stage of interest, as described in the main article. Outcomes can be also plotted to visually check for distribution and extreme values. This is done with the indEBE.R function:
data: data.frame including the raw data to be used, organized with the data structure shown in Section 1.
idCol, RefCol and deviceCol: character strings indicating the names of the columns for subjects, reference and device epochs, respectively.
stage: numeric value corresponding to the stage of interest (default: 0).
stageLabel: character string indicating the label corresponding to the stage of interest (default: “wake”).
doPlot: logical value indicating if the data should be plotted (default: TRUE, requires the ggplot2 and the reshape2 package).
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
indEBE <- function(data=NA,idCol="subject",RefCol="reference",deviceCol="device",doPlot=TRUE,
# renaming variables
colnames(data) <- gsub(idCol,"ID",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(RefCol,"ref",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(deviceCol,"device",colnames(data))
# empty dataframe to be filled
results <-,ncol=4))
for(ID in levels(as.factor(data$ID))){
d <- data[data$ID==ID,]
# .....................
# .....................
# reference dychotomous recoding
d$reference_EBE <- NA
d[d$ref!=stage,"reference_EBE"] = 0 # other stages = 0
d[d$ref==stage,"reference_EBE"] = 1 # target stage = 1
# device dychotomous recoding
d$device_EBE = NA
d[d$device==stage,"device_EBE"] = 1 # target stage = 1
d[d$device!=stage,"device_EBE"] = 0 # other stages = 0
# ...................
# ...................
errMatrix <- data.frame(device=c("positive","negative"),
ref_positive=c(nrow(d[d$device_EBE==1 & d$reference_EBE==1,]), # true wake
nrow(d[d$device_EBE==0 & d$reference_EBE==1,])), # false sleep
ref_negative=c(nrow(d[d$device_EBE==1 & d$reference_EBE==0,]), # false wake
nrow(d[d$device_EBE==0 & d$reference_EBE==0,]))) # true sleep
# ..............
# ..............
results <- rbind(results,
# accuracy
# sensitivity
# specificity
spec=round(100*errMatrix[2,3]/(errMatrix[2,3]+errMatrix[1,3]),digits))) }
# ..............
# ..............
melted.results <- melt(results)
p <- ggplot(data=melted.results,aes(x=variable,y=subject,fill=value)) +
geom_tile() +
limit = c(0,100),midpoint = 50,
space = "Lab",
name="% discrepancy",
breaks=round(seq(100,0,length.out = 11),2),
minor_breaks=round(seq(100,0,length.out = 11),2)) +
geom_text(data=melted.results,aes(x=variable,y=subject,label=value),color="black",size=3) +
ggtitle(paste("Epoch-by-epoch statistics by subject for",stageLabel)) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank())
colnames(results)[2:4] <- paste(stageLabel,c("acc","sens","spec"))
} else {
colnames(results)[2:4] <- paste(stageLabel,c("acc","sens","spec"))
Here, we use the function to generate individual EBE metrics for each considered stage, by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device. The cbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output.
(ebe <- cbind(indEBE(data =, stage = 0, stageLabel = "wake", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2),
indEBE(data =, stage = 1, stageLabel = "light", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2)[,2:4],
indEBE(data =, stage = 2, stageLabel = "deep", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2)[,2:4],
indEBE(data =, stage = 3, stageLabel = "REM", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2)[,2:4]))
Here, we use the function to generate individual accuracy metrics for sleep and wake detection, by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device. Note that only sleep-related metrics (and not wake-related metrics) are reported, since with binary data the metrics for a given category mirror those of the other category (i.e., wake sensitivity is sleep specificity and vice versa, whereas accuracy is the same for both categories).
(ebe.dic <- indEBE(data =, stage = 5, stageLabel = "sleep", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2))
Here, we show how the output can be used to generate boxplots of sensitivity levels in each stage (the same applies to specificity or accuracy by substituting “sens” with “spec” or “acc”, respectively). Then, we set doPlot = TRUE to plot the results for each accuracy metric (using a table format).
Here, boxplots are generated by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
library(reshape2); library(ggplot2)
indEBE_melt <- melt(ebe[, c("subject", colnames(ebe)[grepl("sens", colnames(ebe)) == TRUE])])
indEBE_melt$variable <- as.factor(gsub(" sens","",indEBE_melt$variable))
ggplot(indEBE_melt,aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) + xlab("stage") + ylab("sensitivity (%)") +
geom_boxplot(size=1.5, outlier.shape = NA, alpha = .5, width = .5, colour = "black") +
geom_point(aes(col=variable),position = position_jitter(width = .15), size = 2) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Here, we use the function by setting doPlot = TRUE to plot the results for each EBE metric (using a table format). Green colors indicate higher individual accuracy, whereas red colors indicate lower individual accuracy.
indEBE(data =, stage = 0, stageLabel = "wake", doPlot = TRUE, digits = 2)[2]
## [[1]]
indEBE(data =, stage = 1, stageLabel = "light", doPlot = TRUE, digits = 2)[2]
## [[1]]
indEBE(data =, stage = 2, stageLabel = "deep", doPlot = TRUE, digits = 2)[2]
## [[1]]
indEBE(data =, stage = 3, stageLabel = "REM", doPlot = TRUE, digits = 2)[2]
## [[1]]
Here, boxplots are generated by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device. Note that with binary data the sensitivity in detecting one category (e.g., wake) corresponds to the specificity in detecting the other category (e.g., sleep).
library(reshape2); library(ggplot2)
ebe.dic <- cbind(indEBE(data =, stage = 5, stageLabel = "sleep", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2),
indEBE(data =, stage = 10, stageLabel = "wake", doPlot = FALSE, digits = 2))
indEBE_melt <- melt(ebe.dic[, c("subject",colnames(ebe.dic)[grepl("sens", colnames(ebe.dic)) == TRUE])])
indEBE_melt$variable <- as.factor(gsub(" sens","",indEBE_melt$variable))
ggplot(indEBE_melt,aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) + ylab("sensitivity (%)") +
geom_boxplot(size=1.5, outlier.shape = NA, alpha = .5, width = .5, colour = "black") +
geom_point(aes(col=variable),position = position_jitter(width = .15), size = 2) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Here, we use the function by setting doPlot = TRUE to plot the results for each EBE metric (using a table format). Green colors indicate higher individual accuracy, whereas red colors indicate lower individual accuracy. Note that only sleep-related metrics (and not wake-related metrics) are reported, since with binary data the metrics for a given category mirror those of the other category (i.e., wake sensitivity is sleep specificity and vice versa, whereas accuracy is the same for both categories).
indEBE(data =, stage = 5, stageLabel = "sleep", doPlot = TRUE, digits = 2)[2]
## [[1]]
Here, we compute the group-level basic (i.e., accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) and advanced EBE metrics (e.g., positive predictive value, Cohen’s kappa) for each stage of interest, as described in the main article . Outcomes can be also plotted to visually check for distribution and extreme values. This is done with the groupEBE.R function, which allows to specify the following arguments:
data: data.frame including the raw data to be used, organized with the data structure shown in Section 1.
idCol, RefCol and deviceCol: characters indicating the names of the columns for subjects, reference and device epochs, respectively.
stage: numeric value corresponding to the stage of interest (default: 0).
stageLabel: label indicating the stage of interest (default: “wake”).
metricsType: character string indicating the type of metrics to be generated: “avg” (defaut) for reporting individual EBE metrics averaged between subjects, and presented as “mean (sd) [CI]” (requires the DescTools package for computing CI), “sum” for reporting EBE metrics based on the absolute error matrix (i.e., using the total sum of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects).
CI.type: character string indicating the type of confidence intervals to be used: “classic” (default) returns intervals based on the t-distribution, “boot” returns intervals for means by bootstrap with 10000 replicates (see ? This argument is not considered when metricsType = “sum”.
CI.level: confidence intervals to be computed on bias and LOAs (default: .95). This argument is not considered when metricsType = “sum”.
boot.type: character string indicating the type of bootstrapped confidence intervals. The value should be one of “basic” (default), “norm”, “stud”, “perc”, or “bca” (see ? for details). This argument is not considered when metricsType = “sum” or when CI.type = “classic”.
boot.R: numeric value indicating the number of boostrap replicates (default: 10,000). Higher values require more time for computing CI (see also ?boot). This argument is not considered when metricsType = “sum” or when CI.type = “classic”.
advancedMetrics: logical value indicating wether additional epoch-by-epoch metrics (i.e., PPV, NPV, kappa, PABAK, bias, and prevalence index) should be reported (default=FALSE, requires to install the epiR package).
doROC: logical value indicating wether the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves should be plotted (default: FALSE, if TRUE requires to install the ROCR package).
digits: numeric value specifying the decimal precision for the output (default: 2).
groupEBE <- function(data=NA,idCol="subject",RefCol="reference",deviceCol="device",
# renaming variables
colnames(data) <- gsub(idCol,"ID",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(RefCol,"ref",colnames(data))
colnames(data) <- gsub(deviceCol,"device",colnames(data))
# ............................
# ............................
# reference dychotomous recoding
data$ref_EBE <- NA
data[data$ref!=stage,"ref_EBE"] = 0 # other stages = 0
data[data$ref==stage,"ref_EBE"] = 1 # target stage = 1
# device dychotomous recoding
data$device_EBE = NA
data[data$device==stage,"device_EBE"] = 1 # target stage = 1
data[data$device!=stage,"device_EBE"] = 0 # other stages = 0
generateAccMetrics <- function(data,advancedMetrics){
# ............................
# ............................
errMatrix <- data.frame(device=c("positive","negative"),
ref_positive=c(nrow(data[data$device_EBE==1 & data$ref_EBE==1,]), # true wake
nrow(data[data$device_EBE==0 & data$ref_EBE==1,])), # false sleep
ref_negative=c(nrow(data[data$device_EBE==1 & data$ref_EBE==0,]), # false wake
nrow(data[data$device_EBE==0 & data$ref_EBE==0,]))) # true sleep
# ............................
# ............................
# accuracy
accuracy <- round(100*(errMatrix[1,2]+errMatrix[2,3])/
# sensitivity
sensitivity <- round(100*errMatrix[1,2]/(errMatrix[1,2]+errMatrix[2,2]),digits)
# specificity
specificity <- round(100*errMatrix[2,3]/(errMatrix[2,3]+errMatrix[1,3]),digits)
# ............................
# ............................
# prevalence
prevalence <- round(100*(errMatrix[1,2]+errMatrix[2,2])/
# positive predictive value
ppv <- round(100*(sensitivity*prevalence)/
(sensitivity*prevalence + (100-specificity)*(100-prevalence)),digits)
# negative predictive value
npv <- round(100*(specificity*(100-prevalence))/
((100-prevalence)* specificity + prevalence*(100-sensitivity)),digits)
# Cohen's kappa
kappa <- round(epi.kappa(as.table(as.matrix(errMatrix[1:2,2:3])))$kappa$est,digits)
pabak <- round(epi.kappa(as.table(as.matrix(errMatrix[1:2,2:3])))$pabak$est,digits)
# bias index
bindex <- round(epi.kappa(as.table(as.matrix(errMatrix[1:2,2:3])))$bindex$est,digits)
# prevalence index
pindex <- round(epi.kappa(as.table(as.matrix(errMatrix[1:2,2:3])))$pindex$est,digits)
# creating dataframe with basic and advanced metrics
results <- data.frame(stage=stageLabel,
} else { # only basic metrics
results <- data.frame(stage=stageLabel,
accuracy=accuracy,sensitivity=sensitivity,specificity=specificity) }
# generating metrics from absolute error matrix
results <- generateAccMetrics(data,advancedMetrics)
# generating metrics from averaged error matrix
} else if(metricsType=="avg"){
# empty dataframe to be filled with individual EBE metrics
results <-,ncol=ncol(generateAccMetrics(data,advancedMetrics))))
for(ID in levels(as.factor(data$ID))){
results <- rbind(results,
# function to print EBE metrics info as "mean (sd) [CI]"
printInfo <- function(results,metric){
m <- round(mean(results[,metric],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
s <- round(sd(results[,metric],na.rm=TRUE),digits)
if(CI.type=="classic"){ require(DescTools)
CI.lo <- round(MeanCI(results[,metric],method=CI.type,btype=boot.type,R=boot.R)[2],digits)
CI.up <- round(MeanCI(results[,metric],method=CI.type,btype=boot.type,R=boot.R)[3],digits)
} else if (CI.type=="boot"){ library(boot)
CI.lo <- round([,metric],
CI.up <- round([,metric],
} else { stop("Error: CI.type can be either 'classic' or 'boot'") }
paste(m," (",s,") [",CI.lo,", ",CI.up,"]",sep="") }
# creating and filling data.frame of EBE metrics information
out <-,ncol=ncol(results)-2))
for(i in 1:ncol(out)){ out[1,i] <- printInfo(results,colnames(results)[i+2]) }
colnames(out) <- colnames(results)[3:ncol(results)]
results <- cbind(stage=stageLabel,out)
} else { stop("Error: metricsType argument can be either 'avg' or 'sum'") }
# ROC curves
p <- plot(performance(prediction(data$device_EBE,data$ref_EBE),"tpr","fpr"),lwd=2,
main=paste(stageLabel,"- ROC curves"),xlab="1-specificity",ylab="sensitivity")
res <- list(results,p)
Here, we use the function to generate the basic EBE metrics by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device. The metricsType argument is set as “avg” to report individual EBE metrics averaged between subjects. The rbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output. Some arguments are omitted since default settings are used for each stage.
Alternatively, the metricsType argument can be set as “sum” to report EBE metrics based on the absolute error matrix (i.e., using the total sum of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects).
Here, we use the function to generate both the basic and the additional accuracy metrics (see the main article) by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device. The metricsType argument is set as “avg” to report individual EBE metrics averaged between subjects. The rbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output. Some arguments are omitted since default settings are used for each stage.
Alternatively, the metricsType argument can be set as “sum” to report EBE metrics based on the absolute error matrix (i.e., using the total sum of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects).
Here, we use the function to generate the basic EBE metrics by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device (note that in this case wake and sleep information are symmetrical). The metricsType argument is set as “avg” to report individual EBE metrics averaged between subjects. The rbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output. Some arguments are omitted since default settings are used for each stage. Note that only sleep-related metrics (and not wake-related metrics) are reported, since with binary data the metrics for a given category mirror those of the other category (i.e., wake sensitivity is sleep specificity and vice versa, whereas accuracy is the same for both categories).
Alternatively, the metricsType argument can be set as “sum” to report EBE metrics based on the absolute error matrix (i.e., using the total sum of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects).
Here, we use the function to generate both the basic and the “advanced” EBE metrics by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device (note that in this case wake and sleep information are symmetrical). The metricsType argument is set as “avg” to report individual EBE metrics averaged between subjects. The rbind function is used to concatenate the information on each stage in a single output. Some arguments are omitted since default settings are used for each stage. Note that only sleep-related metrics (and not wake-related metrics) are reported, since with binary data the metrics for a given category mirror those of the other category (i.e., wake sensitivity is sleep specificity and vice versa, whereas accuracy is the same for both categories).
Alternatively, the metricsType argument can be set as “sum” to report EBE metrics based on the absolute error matrix (i.e., using the total sum of epochs in each condition, without distinguishing between subjects).
Here, we use the function by setting doROC = TRUE to plot the ROC curves for each stage. Some arguments are omitted since default settings are used for each stage.
Here, the function is applied by assuming that sleep staging is allowed by the device.
groupEBE(data =, stage = 0, stageLabel = "wake", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 90.93
groupEBE(data =, stage = 1, stageLabel = "light", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 68.32
groupEBE(data =, stage = 2, stageLabel = "deep", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 84.51
groupEBE(data =, stage = 3, stageLabel = "REM", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 88.13
Here, the function is applied by assuming that only sleep/wake patterns (and not sleep staging) are allowed by the device (note that in this case wake and sleep information are symmetrical).
groupEBE(data =, stage = 10, stageLabel = "wake", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 90.93
groupEBE(data =, stage = 5, stageLabel = "sleep", metricsType = "sum", doROC = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] 90.93
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